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Academic Resource Center

arc team photo

Success for Every Student

For 20 years, HHCA's Academic Resource Center (ARC) has provided a unique opportunity for K-12 students who have diagnosed learning disabilities to experience an excellent education of the highest quality, and the ARC Team aims to help every student succeed. The program's goal is to provide supplemental, personalized support so that students who participate will navigate their academic career well and be adequately prepared for college and career.

Every member of HHCA's Academic Resource Team is professionally certified and brings a wealth of experience to the department. Together they provide a highly structured environment with an educational approach suited to the individual student. 


Going well beyond addressing subject-based difficulties, our ARC Team uses NILD Educational Therapy to address cognitive and perceptual processing deficits associated with learning disabilities and target the underlying causes of learning problems. NILD Therapy comprehensively focuses on cognitive and perceptual processing deficits associated with the following learning difficulties:

  • Visual/Auditory Perception, Memory, or Sequencing
  • Visual-Motor Integration
  • Processing Speed
  • Spatial and/or Temporal Relations
  • Cognitive Processing with emphasis on Critical Thinking/Abstract/Logical Reasoning
  • Receptive/Expressive Language Processing
  • Verbal/Nonverbal Reasoning
  • Specific Academic Area (Spelling, Reading, Writing, Math)

Since its beginning in 1973, the National Institute for Learning Development (NILD) has focused on getting to the root of various learning disabilities by developing four key components of every student's learning: cognitionperceptionacademics, & emotions.

Three tiers of service outlined below are offered in Lower, Middle, and Upper School, each with ascending levels of support and intervention.

The greatest joy of starting this program and having it steadily grow is looking back over the past 20 years and seeing how our ARC alumni are thriving in life. They are precisely where God designed them to be, using their unique giftings and talents in purposeful pursuits and achieving above and beyond anything their minds could have imagined or their hearts could have dreamed when they were just "doing school" with us. It is a joy to know that the impact of ARC and our time with them has extended well beyond their graduation."

- Anne Poole, ARC Director & Founder





The National Center for Learning Disabilities defines accommodations as "alterations in the way tasks are presented that allow children with learning disabilities to complete the same assignments as other students. Accommodations do not alter the content of assignments, do not give students an unfair advantage, or in the case of assessments, do not change what a test measures."

HHCA can reasonably offer students these accommodations: 

  • Permission for the use of laptop computers in the classroom.
  • With permission from the instructor, the use of a recording device in the classroom.
  • Assistance with note taking.
  • Extended time for students to complete tests and classroom assignments.
  • The use of a word processing program for spelling and composition.
  • In cases of extreme disability in a given area, alterations in course requirements may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Oral reading and/or interpretation of directions and test questions.
  • Testing in a separate location.


ARC works with students and the Guidance team on College Board (PSAT, SAT and AP) tests as well as ACT tests. There is a different process for College Board and ACT applications and they require additional time to process. See Academic Accommodations Guidelines for procedure.

CLICK HERE for Academic Accommodations Guidelines



Our team can provide a list of local experts who asses and diagnose learning disabilities. Additional resources:


Tutoring is considered to be a specific subject area focus for short-term intervention or remediation. In addition to general tutoring offered by our mentors after school, ARC mentors can assist in matching students with tutors who meet their needs.

We are committed to helping our students reach their full potential and we're committed to teaching them to celebrate their strengths while managing challenges. It is a great privilege to walk alongside students in their educational journey and an even greater privilege to have a hand in their success. 

- Jennifer Hubbard, ARC Mentor