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The HHCA Sporting Clays Team is a competitive co-ed athletic team intended to introduce Middle and Upper School student athletes to the sport of clay target shooting and facilitate continued involvement by offering opportunities to participate and compete in a high-quality, team-based sport. Trained coaches focus on enhancing personal growth, sportsmanship, teamwork, determination, discipline, and the pursuit of excellence.

TEAM priorities are:

  1. safety
  2. fun
  3. marksmanship
in that order


Opponent Date Advantage Details
Rocky Creek Sporting Clays
Away Details about Sporting Clays
Palmetto Shooting Complex
Away Details about Sporting Clays
Governor's Cup - Middle School
Away Details about Sporting Clays
Governor's Cup - JV/V
Away Details about Sporting Clays
Back Woods Quail
Away Details about Sporting Clays
State Championship
Away Details about Sporting Clays
State Youth Trap Championship
Away Details about Sporting Clays
State Youth Trap & Skeet Championship
Away Details about Sporting Clays


Please review the important information and expectations about participation below. 


Sporting clays is an expensive sport that includes practice range fees, ammunition, uniforms, competition fees, tournament travel, and more. The average season costs close to $2,500 per student-athlete. To offset some expenses and provide an opportunity to all students interested in participation the HHCA Sporting Clays Team is grateful for supporters within our community.

Become a team supporter today