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Health & Wellness



HHCA School Nurse

Health & Safety Team

We have a dedicated Health & Safety Team that monitors medical updates and guides policies, protocols, and planning. Our school nurse, Rachel Lucania, is an integral member of the team. 

Rachel is a Registered Nurse with over 10 years of experience in Pediatric Nursing. She has experience in Primary Pediatrics as well as Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine. 

Magnus Health Portal
The Magnus Health Portal is where student health records and forms live. Parents log in to Magnus through their MyHHCA account. A link to Magnus can be found on the Parent Resource Board and an app is also available so that student health information may be managed from a smartphone.

The Health and Safety Team continues to review our COVID-19 policy and will communicate updates or changes accordingly. HHCA families can find the policy in your MyHHCA account under the resources tab. Please reach out to Nurse Lucania with any questions.