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Lower School Dress Code

As representatives of our school, students are expected to reflect HHCA values in all that they do--including how they dress--while on campus and while attending off-campus school events. The policies below give specific direction in how students are to dress. Uniforms are required every day unless they are specifically exempted by the school administration.

General Requirements

Lower School uniform items may be any brand as long as they meet the requirements listed below. 


All clothing must be modest and sized appropriately. 


  • Must have an embroidered HHCA logo (see below for approved local vendors).
  • May be purchased from one of the approved retailers listed below.
  • Approved colors: white, navy, gray, light blue, yellow, light pink.
  • Boys' tops must be tucked in, and a belt must be worn.
  • Outerwear (hoodies, sweatshirts, light jackets) must be HHCA-branded and must be navy, gray, or white. If outerwear is removed during the school day, students must be in uniform.
  • Winter coats can be any color but must be removed while inside during the school day.
  • NOTE: The collared polo-style dress DOES need a logo. Other dress styles and jumpers do not need a logo.  


  • Must be navy blue, khaki, or grey.

  • Must be at least fingertip length when arms are down by the side.

  • Must be a tailored fit without sagging, or tears.

  • Plaid skirts from Land's End and Tommy Hilfiger are approved for girls. 

  • Tights may be worn, as may leggings, under a skirt and must be either navy or gray. 


A note about makeup:

Lower School students are not allowed to wear makeup during the school day as it can become a distraction in the classroom. We believe in creating an optimal learning environment in which every student can fully engage and benefit from their educational experience. By encouraging a makeup-free environment in Lower School, we aim to keep the focus on learning, active participation, and effective communication among students and mentors.

Approved Retailers

Additional Information